A Semidefinite Relaxation for Sums of Heterogeneous Quadratic Forms on the Stiefel Manifold
Published in To appear in SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2025
Recommended citation: Kyle Gilman, Sam Burer, and Laura Balzano (2022). "A Semidefinite Relaxation for Sums of Heterogeneous Quadratic Forms on the Stiefel Manifold." arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.13653. https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.13653
We study the maximization of sums of heterogeneous quadratic forms over the Stiefel manifold, a nonconvex problem that arises in several modern signal processing and machine learning applications such as heteroscedastic probabilistic principal component analysis (HPPCA). In this work, we derive a novel semidefinite program (SDP) relaxation and study a few of its theoretical properties. We prove a global optimality certificate for the original nonconvex problem via a dual certificate, which leads to a simple feasibility problem to certify global optimality of a candidate local solution on the Stiefel manifold. In addition, our relaxation reduces to an assignment linear program for jointly diagonalizable problems and is therefore known to be tight in that case. We generalize this result to show that it is also tight for close-to jointly diagonalizable problems, and we show that the HPPCA problem has this characteristic. Numerical results validate our global optimality certificate and sufficient conditions for when the SDP is tight in various problem settings.